What's In Your Cup Will Spill Out
My goal in life is operate out of a place of overflow as much as possible. Whether it’s my relationships, my energy, my work — I want to live and love FULLY! That’s what we all want, right? It’s what Fill Your Cup is all about, and the more I connect with the women attending our events, the more this mission stamps into my soul.
As I do this inner work, I’m finding that if we truly want to live a life of overflow, we’ve got to be careful what we’re putting in our cup. Why? Because what’s in your cup will be what spills out. What you fill your heart and mind with will make its way into your overflow.
An example to ponder…
Let’s say you’re in your favorite coffee shop. The barista calls out your order and you rush to the counter to pick up your cinnamon dolce latte with whip. You take a deep breath, dying to take the first sip as you walk back to your table. BAM!! Someone runs into you and down goes the dulce.
Why did you spill your coffee? Because someone bumped you, right?
Nope. You spilled the coffee because coffee was in your cup.
If you’d filled your cup with ice water, water would have spilled out of your cup. But you didn’t. Are you starting to get it?
Whatever is inside the cup will always come out. Whatever is inside of us will show up in our overlfow.
Final thoughts and journaling prompts…
So what are you filling your cup with currently? What does your overflow look like? Sound like? Feel like? What spills over when life gets hard or stressful? These are the questions we need to ask ourselves if we want to be mentally and emotionally healthy moving forward.
Maybe it’s time for an overflow audit! Take out your trusty journal and begin asking yourself the questions above. Reach out to trusted relationships in your life and ask them what they’ve been noticing lately. Do you need to shift some patterns or habits to help you get to a more joyful, peaceful place?
Give yourself lots of grace with this check-in and know that this kind of work is a journey, not a destination. If you have a friend you can do this with, I highly suggest making it a buddy activity! Keep each other accountable throughout the year and challenge one another to fill your cups with things that will benefit and strengthen you.
You’ve got this and we’re here to support you along the way! Connect with us over on Instagram or the Facebook page and let us know how you’re transforming your overflow this month!