It's Time for a Midyear Check-In!


July is such a fun month, isn’t it? This time of year is all about slowing down, hitting the beach, and taking a breather with family and friends. Because we tend to have a bit more bandwidth, it’s also the perfect time for a midyear inventory!

Why is a midyear check-in important?

Getting intentional about what’s working or needs improvement this year is key to achieving the big scary dreams we mapped out together in the spring. Taking time to sit with how you’re feeling and refresh your goals will ensure you’re on track and reveal areas that need some extra support.

Plus, it’s a really fun exercise that opens up opportunities for even MORE growth in 2022!

So how does a midyear check-in work?

There are so many ways to do a midyear check-in on your heart and/or business! Our best advice is to make the experience something special. Block some time in your calendar and grab a fresh journal or new, fancy calendar. Create an environment that encourages reflection. Maybe that means you light some candles and set the mood with music and cozy sweats. Maybe you go even further and book a hotel room or Airbnb to get out of your space and really dig deep. Only you know what inspires you to reflect and set goals, so be mindful about where you start the process.

Here are a few things to ponder…

A midyear check-in is really all about asking yourself what’s worked so far and what you see for yourself moving forward. We’ve compiled a few journaling prompts to help you get started, so feel free to use these, share them with your team or a close friend who can support you, and start the journey strong!

Get comfy and quiet with your favorite journal. Settle into the space with a few deep breaths. Take a look at past journals or Fill Your Cup Conference notes to remind you of your goals and big scary dreams. Then consider each question below as you check-in.

  • Is 2022 what I expected so far?

  • How am I feeling about my heart, business, and relationships right now at this moment?

  • What are the three greatest lessons I’ve learned so far this year?

  • Are my goals/big scary dreams still the same? If not, how have they changed?

  • What would I like to focus on the rest of the year?

  • Where could I use some extra support? Who in my life can offer that support?

  • What do I need to release as I go into the second half of the year?

  • What do I need to invite in?

  • What am I most looking forward to this year?

  • What relationships have been the most life-giving?

Final suggestions…

If you’re visual like us, get creative with your future self! Look at your calendar or write out each month. Designate a theme or jot down something you want to accomplish from August through December. Hang it somewhere prominent to keep you motivated.

If you’re still working towards that big scary dream, get intentional with the second half of the year! Look at the months you have left and break down what you can feasibly accomplish in each. Creating more bite-sized goals is a great way to stay accountable, plus you get to celebrate those little wins boosting your confidence!

If you’re ready to step into that big scary dream and need some support, Amber would LOVE to connect with you! Especially if you are setting those life-changing goals in 2023, BOOK NOW. You don’t wait until the end of the year to get launch support in 2023. Click here to start the process!

We can’t wait to watch you continue to SHINE in 2022! Let us know what you learned from your midyear check-in, we’re here to support you!


What's In Your Cup Will Spill Out