How Are You Filling Your Cup This Fall? πŸ‚


Break out the fluffy blankets and pumpkin spice, fall is officially HERE! πŸŽ‰ I love this season because it’s about slowing down and appreciating the small things. It reminds me to stay in, get present, and infuse some extra intention behind everything I do.

Think about it. If you want to curl up with a good book during the fall season, you don’t just plop down on the couch. You make it an EVENT. You get the candle going, brew some cozy tea, and pick the snuggliest blanket. Intention changes everything!

There are so many ways I like to fill my cup in the fall and today I’m sharing my four favorites! If you want to get intentional about your overflow this season, read over the list and then make one of your own. Watch how that little practice transforms your day-to-day!

Alright, let’s get into this list! Here are a few of my favorite ways to fill my cup in the fall…

1. Trying new beverages

This is my favorite time of the year to *literally* fill my cup! Fall is when coffee shops thrive, and popping by to try all the new creations is such a good time. When you’re out and about, treat yourself to something warm and cozy. Grab a friend and do a latte tour around your favorite local spots! Tasting fall flavors always makes me feel immersed in the season and gets me in a grateful (and caffeinated!) headspace.

2. Crunching Leaves

Want to get really present this season? Take some long walks. The weather couldn’t be more inviting, so set some goals for that step count! My favorite way to be present and fill my cup on a long walk is crunching leaves. I have no idea why, but it brings me so much joy! It’s a great little practice because it keeps me fully focused on my walk and taps into that inner child JOY. I double-dog dare you to try this one!

3. Changing up my scenery

When I really want to fill my cup in the fall, I change my view. We are literally surrounded by beauty, all we have to do is step outside! I love to seek out long drives near me that showcase the changing leaves. It’s so fun to grab a friend and blast your favorite fall tunes as you road trip. Change it up by trying a new coffee shop, going for a hike, or working outside. It’s so refreshing to try something new, especially when you feel burnt out and need a breath.

4. Celebrating the season

Filling my cup in the fall feels like a celebration. I’ve learned that this time of year is the perfect time to celebrate the small things and to celebrate myself. I get really intentional with my β€œI AM” statements and gratitude journaling. I take a cue from the changing leaves and celebrate how I’ve transformed over the course of the year. You can revisit your personal mantra or write a fresh vision statement to finish out 2022. Find ways to honor how far you’ve come and how FULL you feel!

Final thoughts and journaling prompts…

What fills your cup in the fall season? Take some time this week to list out a few ideas and use them as a little bucket list this month. Get intentional and let the season slow you down a bit. The fall brings so much nostalgia and warmth, and I don’t want you to miss a second of it!

You’ve got this and we’re here to support you along the way! Connect with us over on Instagram or the Facebook page and let us know how you’re embracing the fall season!


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