3 Ways to Fall Back In Love With Your LIFE


It hits us all at some point, doesn’t it? You’re going along, happy as a clam with your life, and passionate about what’s coming. But one day you wake up feeling bored, unsatisfied, numb, or even resentful. You look at your life and wonder, “How did I get here?”. Somewhere along the way you lost your spark, but don’t worry. It hasn’t gone far!

What you need is to fall back in love with your life again and I’ll warn you, it takes some effort. However, with a little bit of intention and lots of grace, you’ll find your way back to a cup that’s overflowing with enthusiasm and excitement.

It all begins with a decision. You have to decide that you are worthy of all the passion and joy life has to offer you, and then you have to actively seek it out and (sometimes this is even harder) learn to receive it. So where do you start? Here are three ways to fall back in love with your life again…

1. Start with gratitude.

The most meaningful way to fall in love with your life again is by acknowledging what you’re grateful for. It may seem simple, but getting intentional about this practice will radically impact your mindset moving forward.

Take some time to write out a list each morning or evening. Get specific and start making it a habit to seek out things that make you feel deep levels of gratitude. It’s like when you begin looking for a new car and you start seeing the one you want all over the road. If you’re actively seeking gratitude, you’ll find endless reasons to love your life!

If writing isn’t for you, start a voice note on your phone and speak about what you’re thankful for. Using your voice in this way will send even more concrete messaging to your brain that gratitude is a top priority this season.

2. Reach for connection.

One of the most important things you can do when you feel numb to life is to reach out. Isolation is what leads us further into that pit and it’s so important to surround yourself with relationships that get it.

If you need to, make a list of safe people in your life that lift you up, put you in a positive headspace, and remind you who you are. Sometimes all we need is for someone to look at us from an outside perspective and tell us all the beauty they see. It’s life-changing when someone can connect with you deeply and speak on all the incredible things that make you YOU.

If you’re struggling to find a group of safe, encouraging women, I want you to know you have a seat waiting for you at this year’s Fill Your Cup Conference. So many of our attendees show up solo, and it’s always amazing to watch them leave arm-in-arm with a new bestie! You can purchase your ticket for our upcoming Nashville conference here.

3. Simplify everything.

One of the number one reasons we find ourselves in a state of numbness or routine is because we’re actually existing in overwhelm. If there’s too much on the to-dos or you feel bogged down by life, many of us settle in for a long winter’s nap vs. seize the day. It makes sense! Sometimes coping feels easier than pushing through. But eventually, we have to find our way out again, so how do we do this?

Simplify. Look at your life and start to make some hard cuts. Where can you let go and release? It could be as simple as taking a weekend and completing a giant spring clean. Give away all the clutter and get organized so you feel more at ease in your space.

Now, look at your relationships. Are there any that are holding you back or bogging you down? Are you surrounding yourself with negative energy? Begin to establish boundaries so you can invite in more fulfilling and meaningful relationships.

Take a look at your work or daily tasks. Is there anywhere you can simplify or delegate? Do you struggle with perfectionism? What can you let go of to create more space for JOY?

Taking time to get intentional about simplifying your life will clarify where things have built up and what needs to be released so you can live filled to the brim again.

Final Thoughts & Journaling Prompts…

Falling back in love with your life takes some effort, but every step is worth it. Once you know what can be released and what needs to be invited in, you’ll reignite that joy and passion. Give yourself lots of grace and know that this is just a season. Take your time and go gently knowing you’re safe and loved. You’ve got this and we’re here to support you every step of the way!

As you journal this week, here are a few questions to consider:

  • What am I grateful for this week?

  • What’s the best thing happening in my life this season? Is there any way to replicate that or receive more of it?

  • Who do I consider “safe”? What makes them feel that way?

  • Are there any relationships that need some boundaries this year? What are a few ways I can begin to gently establish those?

  • What do I desire in a friend this season?

  • When was the last time I was excited about my life? What was happening, who was around, and what was I passionate about at the time? Can I tap back into any of those things?

  • What areas of my life need some simplifying?

  • What am I releasing in 2023? What am I inviting in?


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