We missed seeing your beautiful face at the conference—but that doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on filling your cup, too!

Your Digital Ticket Includes:

  • Access to the full conference recording from September 20th. It will feel like confetti is literally coming down on you!

  • (8) incredible speakers pouring into you—watch over and over just in case you cried and missed some juicy content the first time.

  • Special guest performance from Olivia Lane that will leave you feeling undone (in the absolutely best way)!

  • (8) downloadable PDFs of customized discussion topics & journal prompts. Decompress and take as much time as you need to dig deep into each topic!

  • Panel Discussion with previous year’s speaker, Maggie Tucker, and previous 2020 attendees, that will have you in tears.

  • Intimate Introduction & Closing Conversation with Amber Zaricor.

  • Watch at your own pace! You will have access to this content until September 20, 2022.

  • Receive limited-time-only discounts before they release to the general public for opportunities to build a fulfilling community around you!


PS: Let’s be honest with ourselves… this ticket is essentially equal to one dinner and drinks with a friend 🙈😉Invest in yourself. You deserve it.