Kaitlyn Bentley


Kaitlyn was an attendee from our 2020 conference, returning as a Speaker!

Kaitlyn Bentley is a Birmingham resident, the owner of True40 Fitness Studio, and the owner and founder of a program called the Birmingham Wellness Passport, meant to foster collaboration among Birmingham’s fitness community. She employs more than 20 women, and is constantly looking at ways to partner with other Birmingham business owners. Community and collaboration are priorities for Kaitlyn and she loves to bring people together through her businesses. Her fitness studio has been named Birmingham’s Best Fitness Studio by About Town Magazine. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, Kaitlyn worked in corporate communications for companies including Edelman Public Relations and Southern Company. She is an Enneagram 1 and lives with her husband Hunter, her miracle son Wren, and her dog Zoey.

“I fill my cup through true time off (Enneagram 1 over here - it’s hard for me to do!) filled with vacation, date night with my husband or dinner with friends.”


Stephanie May Wilson


Kellie Fitzpatrick